Who we are and What we do

Charlie and I are in private practice in Atlanta and we work with others who have had childhood trauma, the Adult-Child Syndrome, co-dependence, addictions and problems with living for over 35 years. I am also a Near-death experiencer, and have researched and worked with others who have had similar "Spiritual Awakenings" or Spiritual emergence.
Barbara Harris Whitfield
& Charles L. Whitfield
I was a researcher at the University of Connecticut Medical School with psychiatry professor Bruce Greyson (Research Director for The International Association for Near-Death Studies IANDS) Together we researched the after effects of people who have had a Near-Death Experience. I have taught at Rutger's University's Institute for Alcohol and Drug Studies School for 12 years. I served on the board and executive board of IANDS. I'm also a past president and board member of the Kundalini Research Network. I've been a guest on major television shows including Larry King Live, the Today Show, Man Alive, Donahue, Unsolved Mysteries, PM Magazine, Good Morning America, Oprah, Joan Rivers, Sonya Freeman, CNN Medical News and Alabama Public Television. I was interviewed on the radio by Imus and All Things Considered. I also write books and provide workshops and speaking engagements on topics of recovery, near-death experiences and natural spirituality.
My husband, Charles L Whitfield MD is a physician, psychotherapist, and internationally recognized expert on mental illness, behavioral problems, and recovery. He was an associate professor of medicine at the Southern Illinois University School of Medicine for 4 years and then taught medicine and addiction medicine as associate professor of medicine, psychiatry and family medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine for 8 years. He has been on the faculty of the Rutgers University Summer Institute of Alcohol and Drug Studies since 1978, and in private practice of medicine and psychotherapy since 1976. He has been voted by his peers as one of the Best Doctors in America every year since 1994. We have a private practice in Atlanta Georgia helping adults who have been repeatedly traumatized, who are having problems in living, who want to come off of psych drugs and/or opiates and who may have had a spiritually transformative experience.
For the most up-to-date information about us and our work, please visit our interactive blog at:

Barbara and Sharon Cormier
Co-authors of AFGEs (Another F*ing Growth Experience)
on Larry King Live (Circa 1990)

Barbara on Thinking Allowed
with Jeffrey Mishlove PhD