Near Death Experience: A different angle on Abortion, and The Case for Adoption

A researcher remembers her near death experience, and makes a compelling case for adoption over abortion. A must read!
By Barbara Harris Whitfield / September 7, 2019
Near Death Experience: Barbara Tells Her Story
After my near-death experience (NDE), I became a researcher at the University of Connecticut Medical School looking at the after effects of an NDE. I’ve been to the other side (or as close as a living human being can get). And between my colleagues and me, we have interviewed over a thousand Near-Death Experiencers and more. Now there are other researchers all over the world getting the same answers we did: Death is not the grim reaper, it’s a trip into the Light!
"We’ve listened to women who are telling us about their abortions, and it doesn’t matter if it was yesterday or 30 years ago".
While working at The University, I traveled around New England giving talks about near death experiences and assisting the terminally ill through the dying process to groups including hospitals, Hospice and others like Compassionate Friends. During the coffee break people came up and shared with me, and I heard the most wonderful memories. One eye doctor told me that when he was an Intern on his first delivery, he witnessed a ray of light from above go into the mother’s belly.
A Terrible Mistake, and Quick Vindication
I was at an author’s conference when I met one of the editors from my publisher. He introduced me to his wife, a rather large woman wearing something akin to a mumu. I could see two almost transparent lights behind her, one on either side, just above her shoulders. I then did the worst possible thing I could do and asked her when she was due. She told me she wasn’t pregnant and stormed away.
As mortified as I was over my bluntness, I got through the dinner and after, she came back up to me with her husband. She told me they were adopting and had just found out a few days earlier that they were adopting twins. That was the fastest vindication I ever went through.
People who have had a near death experience tell us the baby’s soul is there early, on and some say it comes and goes. Did our Ophthalmologist see the soul of the baby rush in? Did I see two souls visiting their soon to be Mom? They weren’t following their physical bodies around. They were following their adoptive mom.
Think About Adoption
Because we are naturally spiritual, we want to believe that if the biological mother aborts, the baby’s soul will go on to another – hopefully. We wish that women who don’t want to go through motherhood for the next 20 years would think about adoption. There are many couples who want to adopt. Nine months is not too much to ask to give a child a good life.
Two more thoughts for women wanting to abort their “accident.” I had a miscarriage many years ago in my 5th month. I was told by my OB/Gyn after a D and C procedure, “The fetus wasn’t viable! Oh! And there were two.” End of story. I was quietly devastated that I had lost not only one baby, but two. Back then it was “over and done.”
A Better Way
But my hormones were telling me something different. They were in a tennis match. And it took me months and longer to feel “normal” again. It was a roller-coaster ride. The same physical reactions happen after abortions. We are in private practice doing individual and group psychotherapy for those who are traumatized and have PTSD.
We’ve listened to women who are telling us about their abortions, and it doesn’t matter if it was yesterday or 30 years ago. They have numbed out to the emotional pain they felt back then. But the consequence for numbing out to the pain, is numbing out to perhaps life and possibly peace. There’s got to be a better way.
Barbara Harris Whitfield
Barbara Harris Whitfield is a guest contributor for NRN, respiratory therapist, psych researcher at University of Connecticut Medical School, and author of five published books and co-author of five more. Harris Whitfield’s book 'The Secrets of Medicinal Marijuana' is available on Amazon. She is 75 years old and still works as a psychotherapist with her husband, best selling author and physician Charles L. Whitfield M.D. We do individual and group psychotherapy with people who have been repeatedly traumatized (PTSD) and help people get off of psych drugs and opiates.